Monday, October 19, 2009

It has been forever since I've done one of these, but I have a lot of stuff I did not do this week, so...

I did not say to my three children that I “was about to have a moment” if they didn’t get it together and my 9 year old did not respond “and it’s going to be ugly”. I did not laugh out loud at said response.

I did not utter the phrase “if you don’t all quiet down I am going to pull this van over and not move until its quiet”. No way would I ever utter such a cliché to children.

I did not join a cult this weekend. The Snuggie cult! I have not sworn up and and down that I would never wear a Snuggie because they look like something a cult would wear. I was not so cold on Saturday that I didn't buy one. I'm not totally looking for the comet I'm supposed to be following.

I am not about to go take a nap.

Oh yes, I am going to take a nap. I can barely keep my eyes open. Goodnight!


Trish said...

Do you have a cold backside with that backless Snuggie?

Lynette Jacobs said...

LOL! You always manage to put a smile on my face:)

Lynette Jacobs said...

Don't you want to teach me how to make my blog look awesome like yours?

Pat said...

Is a Sunggie better then a blanket?

Unknown said...

lol; that was so fun!

Louise said...

I SO love you Kellerbelle! You had me laughing out loud and Lord knows I needed that! Bless you!!!
Big time!!

sanjeet said...

You always manage to put a smile on my face:)

Work from home India