Eleven years ago today Ian was born.

It was a freezing cold day in Garden City, Michigan but with only 3 pushes he was out and ready to face the world.
It was 4:47 AM and he was 20 1/2 inches long. (I'm not sure of the actual weight because I'm pretty sure the hospital got it wrong. They claimed he was 8 lbs. 2 oz., but when I took him to the pediatrician 8 days later he was 10 lbs. 10 oz. No way did he gain that much weight that quickly!)

I remember him looking me right in eyes and knowing he was going to do great things.

He's shy, and unsure of himself at times, knows what he wants, has quite the temper, and is not afraid to try anything (unless it's socially), he will jump off things, fly down the street on his skateboard and climb onto the garage roof. (Ask me about all his injuries some time.) But he teaches me everyday what it really means to love.

Happy Birthday Ian Thomas!
I love you.
I'm proud of you.
I'm so glad I'm your mom.