Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Maddy's Other Life

So the other day I took Maddy with me to the store. This is how it went:

[in parking lot]

Girl I Don't Recognize: "Hi Maddy!"
Maddy: "Hi!"
Me, when she's out of earshot: "Maddy, who was that?"
Maddy: "Oh, a girl that goes to my school. She's not in any of my classes, though."

[in produce section]

Boy I Don't Recognize: "Hi Maddy!"
Maddy: "Hi!"
Me, when he's out of earshot: "Who was that?"
Maddy: "Oh, a boy that goes to my school."
Me: "Is he in your classes?"
Maddy: "No, but I see him in the hallway."

[two minutes later]

Woman I Don't Recognize: "Hi Maddy!"
Maddy: "Hi!"
Me, when she's out of earshot: "Maddy, who was that?"
Maddy: "Oh, that's Mrs. So and So, she teaches Senior history."
Me: !!

This continued on throughout the store two more times. It was like grocery shopping with some sort of celebrity, I tell you.

I am intrigued at this other life she leads, where she seems to know every single person in the universe.

For the record: I did not see a single person I knew at the store.

1 comment:

Addie said...

Gabe's only 10, but I go thru the same thing! He's sure more popular than I thought! Have a good Thanksgiving and I love your blog design!