here are the top three completely silly, but very pretty, things i want in my life right now..... enjoy! 1. a vintage airstream trailer for my backyard. totally serious. 2. a vintage turquoise vespa. 3. this cute little print from etsy. What are your three wishes?
*having an even number of socks come out of the dryer *flushing the toilet without wondering if a sock, matchbox car or cell phone is clogging the way *finding the kitchen still clean a few hours later *catching a glass of juice before it spills all over the floor *the sound of children playing happily together *2 hour afternoon naps It's the ordinary days that keep me going. They somehow become magical.
You let the boys play in the rain for an hour and 45 minutes and then you decide to call it for rain and tell the teams that they have to make the whole game up another time. What the heck are you thinking?!?!?!
Sincerely, The Crazy Mom Yelling At You From The Car
Rachel Berry said, "Let's start by singing some Classic Rock".
And then she began singing "One" by U2. Ummmm.....Classic Rock? Have I turned from 34 to 50 years old without knowing it?
I immediately called out to Michael and exclaimed, "One by U2...seriously? That came out in like 1992....that was only..... oh wait, is it possible that 1992 was almost 20 years ago?"
It's official....we're old lame people now. There's no stopping it.
♫ This Rain Rain needs to Go Go Away! It is 44 Degrees Today. I can handle 44 Degrees, but not wet 44 Degrees because wet cold just cuts right through me. Last time I checked the calendar it was May, shouldn't it be a wee bit warmer? Just sayin!
♫ Do you ever have days that you just want to stay in your PJ's & do nothing? Me either...I was just wondering.
♫ I am sick of the kids at work. Not all of them, just the ones who cause headaches and bad moods. Is this wrong?
♫ Why can't the FedEx man deliver after I get home from work? Why does he always deliver 20 minutes before I get home? Then I have to drive across town to pick up my package. (I have to pick up my Blackberry tonight after 6)
*Baseball & Softball season started 2 weeks ago and I'm already quite sick of sitting at the fields. Elek is too. Ian is the kid in green scoring a run. *Madison has hit at least 13 RBI's (runs batted in) in the last week. It may actually be 14, but I'm not sure. *Ian pitched in his game last Saturday. They won 13-3. He loves to pitch. *Elek is obsessed with the movies Toy Story and Toy Story 2. I believe we've watched them 327 times this week. *I am ready for school to be out. I would quite like to sleep in in the morning. Elek & I in the car after dropping Mad & Ian at school. * Mad & Ian had Mix-Match Day at school. Maddy got substantially into it. Ian not so much. *Maddy & Ian had their Spring Concert at school. Ian serenaded us with his recorder and Maddy performed with the Show Choir.