Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. It feels like I just posted yesterday, but nope, it was 2 weeks ago. Oops!

2. We have Maddy's honors banquet tonight. That means I actually have to change out of the yoga pants (no, I don't do yoga.) I am currently wearing. And I have to put on make-up.

3. It's way too hot outside. Please bring back Spring.

4. I need to go grocery shopping.

5. Elek is currently watching Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs for the 127,403 time and he's naked.

6. I really need a vacation.

7. I have lots of new ideas for shirts for Elek. Made his Fourth of July shirt the other day. I wish my oldest 2 would wear shirts that I make for them, but no, they they claim that they are too old for that.

8. My Kindle got stepped on a few nights ago. By the biggest foot in the house. The Kindle is dead now. :( I feel lost without it.

9. Thought I was going to go all Hungarian on someone last night, but thankfully 30 minutes if Pinterest time made me feel lots better.

10. Can you believe this post doesn't have a single photo in it?

1 comment:

Trish said...

Spring is back, sorry about your kindle and no, I can't believe you you don't have a single photo here!