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Friday, June 26, 2009

Things I Need To Do This Weekend

1. Go grocery shopping.
2. Buy birthday card and gift for Maddy's softball buddy, Savannah.
3. Drop Mad off at Savannah's house for sleepover.
4. Do approximately 5,873 loads of laundry.
5. Go to the movies and see My Sister's Keeper. I read the book a few years ago. Must remember to bring lots of tissues.
6. Pick Mad up from Savannah's.
7. Make another batch of strawberry jam.
8. Try to decide if it's my sinuses making my tooth hurt or if I really have a toothache. Either way, I have no insurance and it's going to cost me $$$.
9. Madison's Tournament of Champions game tomorrow Taylor South 3:00 p.m. I get to listen to her coach scream at them more. Oh boy!
10. Clean this house.

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