I then watched this video.
Thought it was cool and that maybe I'd send a submission to the movie.
I ended up sending this photo.

I proceeded to forget all about it until I got an email today and this is what it said:
Dear Kelly,
This is to inform you that you/your submission to The Beckoning of Lovely is officially a finalist! Bravo!
Forgive the expanse of time that has gone by since you first submitted, but we had over 50000 submissions from around the world. Four separate panels of judges (a Chicago-based panel; an international panel; a teen panel; and a just me, Amy, panel) reviewed the work. You might be psyched to know that you are one of about 70 submissions that have made it through-- congratulations!
Now let me clarify what I mean by finalist:
I simply won't know until we begin editing the feature film which pieces make it into the final cut. I'd love to use all 70 pieces-- and I very well might-- but I won't know til we're in the absolute home stretch of the project.
Please know that if we do proceed with your winning submission, you will absolutely hear from me again (or someone from the project) within the next few months. (I know, we're not operating at break neck speed here, are we...) We will want to ask you some questions, make sure we have all our details straight, etc.
Additionally, regardless of what happens next, as a finalist you will be properly heralded and credited in the film.
I want to thank you again for submitting to this project in the first place. It's been quite a journey, and you've played a prominent role.
here's to all things lovely,
amy k.r.
How wonderful...I'm so excited for you gal o' mine!
woooo hooooo! Congratulations!
By the way, I love that picture!
Congrats! Tha is awesome!!! I love that pic, it is such a sweet idea
I love that photo!
Congratulations on being a finalist...hope you win:)
how awesome! that is so cool, i'm so excited!
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