So I've decided that I am going to start posting my menu plan for the week on Mondays. I don't always stick to my plan, but I'm going to start really trying to.
Here are my reasons to stick to my menu plan.
1.I never have to come up with a last minute meal idea off the top of my head.
2.Our meals are for the most part healthier and well balanced.
3.I always have the ingredients in the house for whatever I’m making because I make up my menu plan before going grocery shopping.
4.I always know what meat to take out of the freezer the night before.
5.I save money by not buying groceries I don’t end up using.
6.I save money by planning my weekly menu around what is on sale that particular week.
7.I save time by planning quick and easy meals (especially crockpot meals which can be prepared in the morning when I’m not rushed and have more energy).
8.My kids and husband enjoy knowing in advance what is for dinner.
9.Helps me to avoid last minute unhealthy desperation meals.
10.I don’t have to spend any more time in the kitchen than is absolutely necessary.
11.Knowing in advance what is coming up allows me to often prep one meal while making another, saving me even more time.
12.Dinner is organized and on the table at the same time every night.
13.It gives me something to blog about every Monday :)
Here is my plan for this week:
MONDAYCheeseburger CasseroleTUESDAYBeef Stew
WEDNESDAYChicken Lemon Rice SoupTHURSDAYPasta with Tomato Sauce with Onion and ButterFRIDAYOrder out for Pizza
SATURDAYMeatballsSUNDAYChicken Tacos