What a horrible blogger I am. Sorry about that. Gonna try a little harder to stay on top of it. Here is a sampling of life in the Turpin family lately.
I had last week off of work and had big plans with my time off. My plans got tossed out the window when Michael came down with the flu and was home, whining, most of the week. I won't completely admit to it, but there may have been a moment when I threatened to put a pillow over his face if he didn't stop apologizing for being sick. Seriously, who apologizes for being sick?
I have eaten more hummus than should be humanly possible. I used to hate the stuff, now I'm addicted. I love it and could eat it every single day. I may just eat it for breakfast.
Elek has developed quite the little Hungarian temper. If he doesn't get his way, watch out and cover your ears, the boy is going to start screaming. He especially loves to do this when we block him from going up the stairs or when we put him in the playpen. (He's actually currently in the playpen screaming his lungs out.) He will also climb anything and everything. Looks like he lacks the fear gene like his big brother.
Madison is now sick with whatever Michael had and hasn't been to school since Tuesday. We thought she was getting better, but then last night she was up puking.
I have decided that I need to invest in Lysol as much as we've been sick this winter.
Ian spent the night with his friend Allen last night. It was extremely quiet around here. In other Ian news, he won his first swim event on Friday night, 25m backstroke. He was thrilled. He's taken 2nd quite a bit, but could never quite manage to get that blue ribbon.
I am planning my Tuesday photo shoot with this little guy.

This is Luca Antonio. He is the son of our friends Tony and Meaghan. I was supposed to be there when he was born, but he's stubborn, like his mama, and wouldn't come out so they had to do a c-section. I was in the waiting room. Oh well, I still saw him when he was only minutes old.
The screaming from the playpen has escalated, I should probably go get him. I'm sure he's ready for a nap.
I'll be back tomorrow with all the wonderful things that I didn't do this week.