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Monday, March 30, 2009

On Hiatus

I have a very sick baby boy. Strep, ear infection (again! grrr), upper respiratory infection and thrush. He's not wanting to eat or drink and has lost 13 ounces. He's semi-whiny and clingy. If you get the chance, could you say a prayer for him?


Trish said...

Grammy is praying for her boy!
Hugs and kisses...I missed you this morning!

Margie said...

you got it!

Pat said...

Awww, precious baby. I will be praying for him (and you) that soon he will be removing heat vents and being his sweet little self.

today's word verification?

donna said...

praying for him...(what a precious face)...lots of snuggle time...

Louise said...

Been praying for my little friend ... sure hope he's better.

Deb said...

How is Elek? I've been praying for him!!!