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Monday, September 20, 2010

Cell Phone vs. Bible

I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several times a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?

So remember this...

You'll never have dropped calls and unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

But most important of all...you'll never have to ask Him 'Can you hear me now?'


Trish said...

Amen Kellerbell!

Deb said...

wow...our lives would indeed be different if we were as "attached" to His Word as we are our cell phones!

Unknown said...

love this! great challenge to us all!